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Facelift Richmond

The Facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to lift and rejuvenate the lower portion of the face. As we get older there are a number of changes that take place–we lose skin elasticity and the skin in our face and neck begin to sag. There are more options today than ever before when it comes to facial rejuvenation from non-surgical to minimally invasive and each procedure and treatment targets a specific area of the face and a specific issues. The facelift is designed for those with more advanced signs of aging that can’t be improved through less invasive methods. When you have access, sagging skin the solution generally will need to be surgical to remove the excess skin and create a smoother, more tight and youthful appearance.

Dr. Hubert works with each patient on an individual level to create the ideal procedure plan for their unique facial structure so that the results always look as natural as possible. To learn more about Dr. Hubert’s facelift process and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.